Abel Sánchez
Abel Sánchez: The History of a Passion (Spanish: Abel Sánchez: Una historia de pasión) is a 1917 novel by Miguel de Unamuno. Abel Sanchez is a re-telling of the story of Cain and Abel set in modern times, which uses the parable to explore themes of envy.
- Unamuno, Miguel de (1928): Abel Sanchez, ed. de Carlos A. Charles A. Longhurst, Cátedra, Madrid, 1995.
- Abellán, José Luis (1985): a critical introduction to Abel Sanchez, Castalia, Madrid.
- Zamorano Arregui, Teresa M. (1996): Structure and narrative techniques in the short story of the Generation of 98: Unamuno, Azorin and Baroja, Schedules of RILCA EUNSA, Pamplona, 1998.
- Ayala, Francisco (1974): "The novel of Unamuno," The novel, Galdós and Unamuno, Seix-Barral, Barcelona.
- Amorós, Andrés (1971): "Unamuno: The novel as a search for" Introduction to the contemporary novel. Madrid, Anaya, pp. 265–276.
- Claveria, Carlos (1953): "On the subject of Cain in the work of Unamuno," in José Luis Abellán, Issues of Unamuno, Gredos, Madrid, pp. 97–129.
- Cobb, Christopher H. (1972): "On the development of Abel Sanchez", Journal of the Chair Miguel de Unamuno, XXII
- Diaz-Peterson, Rosendo (1972), "Abel Sánchez de Unamuno, a conflict between life and scholasticism", Arbor, 341.
- Díez, Ricardo (1976): The aesthetic development of Unamuno's novel, Nova-Scholar, Madrid.
- Elizalde, Ignacio (1983): Miguel de Unamuno and his fiction, Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Guipuzcoa, San Sebastian.
- González Egido, Luciano (1987): a critical introduction to Abel Sanchez, Alianza ed., Unamuno Library, 1997.
- Longhurst, Carlos A. (1995): a critical introduction to Abel Sanchez, ed. Cátedra, Madrid.